Annual Administration Fee
= $39
The administration fee is paid annually during enrolment by all students. This covers the cost of insurance, mailings and other administration expenses.
Class Fees
All fees are billed by the term and vary according to the amount of hours of classes per week as follows:
Hours Per Week Amount Per Term
45 Minutes $143
1 Hour $179
2 Hours $339 $358 (save $19 per term)
3 Hours $469 $537 (save $68 per term)
4 Hours $565 $716 (save $151 per term)
5 Hours $645 $895 (save $250 per term)
6 Hours $705 $1074 (save $369 per term)
Unlimited Hours $769 $1253+ (save over $484 per term)
A discount of 10% off term fees is applicable for 2nd and subsequent siblings

CODE Competition Crew Fees
CODE Competition Crew members will be charged an additional $42 per term for each Competition Crew to cover the cost of competition troupe entries and costume hire.
All CODE Crew members will also be charged a fee to cover the costs of student registration at competitions. This amount varies from year to year due to competition changes and will be added to all CODE Crew member's term 2 invoices.
CODE Competition Crew students who withdraw after Term 1 will be charged a withdrawal fee of $75.
Codettes Fees
Members of the Codettes will be charged a packaged fee per term in addition to their regular class fees.
This fee includes:
- Weekly private lessons
- Goals and development sessions through the year
- Solo costume hire
Codettes Term Fee = $429 per term (in addition to regular term fees)
Codettes will also be invoiced for their solo competition entries as these entries vary for each competition.

Adult Casual Class Pass
For our adult classes only, we also offer the flexibility to attend classes casually. By purchasing a casual class pass ($235), you can attend any of our adult classes at any time, and your class credits roll over from term to term. To purchase a casual class pass or check how many classes you have remaining at any time, click the link below.
- Fees are invoiced per term. The full term fee must be paid irrespective of the amount of classes attended or if a withdrawal occurs
- Invoices are emailed one month prior to their due date
- Fees are due by the end of the first week of each term
- A 10% late fee will be charged to the invoice if payment is not received by the due date
- Families with term invoices over $200 are eligible for a payment plan. A family requesting a payment plan must have their plan arranged and approved prior to the fee due date
- In the event that a student withdraws from CODE during a term, the invoiced amount must still be paid
- Fees can be paid using bank transfer, direct debit or online credit card payments, or via our credit card facility in the studio
- Please check your invoice for further payment details